The cheating hangman

(Image made by Dall-E)

This is my variation of the famous word-guessing game Hangman.

The aim is not to guess the correct word but it is to exhaust the cheating Hangman out of cheating options!

The Hangman is allowed to change the word he had in mind when starting the game but when he can’t think of any more words to cheat with, you have exposed him as a fraud and you have won. Of course, this cheating has a great advantage for the hangman because he gets way more opportunity to hang you.

The Rules

  1. The hangman’s goal: to hang you after 10 wrong guesses.
  2. The players goal: to exhaust the cheating Hangman of words to cheat with and exposing the fraud.
  3. The hangman keeps the current chosen word hidden and displays it to the player as a series of dashes, with each dash representing a letter in the word. For example, if the target word is “DUCK,” it will initially be displayed as “_ _ _ _”
  4. The hangman starts but can secretly switch words as long as they match the revealed letters and their positions and don’t contain any letters that were previously dismissed as incorrect guesses by the player.
  5. The player starts guessing letters one at a time. The hangman will respond to each guess with the following rules:
    • A. If the guessed letter is not present in the target word, the hangman reveals this information and may add a part to the hangman drawing (example below) as a penalty.
    • B. If the guessed letter is present in the target word, the hangman reveals all occurrences of that letter in the word. The hangman will not change or modify the position of any previously guessed letters. For example, if the player correctly guesses the letter “U” in “_ _ _ _” and “U” appears twice in the target word, the hangman will reveal the “U”s in their respective positions.
  6. The player continues making letter guesses, and the hangman responds accordingly, revealing correct guesses and penalizing incorrect guesses.
  7. The game ends when either the hangman forfeits because he can’t think of any more words to cheat with or, if the player hangs.
  8. Remember: The aim is not to guess the correct word. It’s to exhaust the Hangman out of cheating options.

Update: I found an working version using the same principle. Have fun!

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