
The purpose of the website was to create an automatic Oil bunker broker:

Oil Broker: One who acts as a go-between in the domestic or international crude oil market. A broker will find a market for a quantity of crude or product not committed by long-term contract. Just as are readily, he will come up with oil for someone who wishes to buy. Brokers perform a useful function in the oil business by being knowledgeable about the industry’s supply and demand situation. He is the unobtrusive link between buyer and seller, independent producer and small refiner. For his services, the broker Either these receives a flat fee or a percentage of the deal he helps consummate.

A specific part of the oil is the oil bunkering: Image for bunker bunker is simply the name Given To the Fuel-that is used to operate ships. Bunkering is the action of supplying a ship with bunkers .. There are various types of Fuel Oil and Fuel Oils Within the, there are many classifications, standards and grades.

The process is what we want to automate the collection of prices from sellers/brokers and the present the cheapest price to the buyer. The buyers can use the service for free. The sellers pay a fee

The OilOffer.com procurement platform has been bought by a Norwegian Independent broker.