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chalk sessions

Chalk sessions is where I examine your company from the outside in and come up with a list of reccomendations and/or new products or services.After a week I’ll present you […]

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gemba process enhancements

Gemba (also written “genba”): Japanese word meaning “the real place.” It’s where value creation happens, but also where most problems occur. Gemba walk: definition In the manufacturing world, a Gemba […]

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fixing your problem

I don’t know what kind of problems you might have. But if you are willing to share them with me I’ll make a quick assessment if I can solve it […]

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Hybrid Mail Consultancy

Hybrid Mail can reduce the cost of your corporate postal mail by up to 55% or even more in some cases. Sending the mail digitally, as close as possible, to […]

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Outsource your sales

There is general rule of thumb in business that states the following. 80 % of your allocated time should go to sales10% to accounting10% to the actual service or product […]

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User experience

Surprisingly enough there are still websites out there who don’t take the actual user in account. Things that seem obvious from a programmers standpoint are a total mystery for the […]