Colin de Vries

In my opinion the best way to get to know somebody to meet and talk but this page will give you a rough idea. I hope you will contact me soon or add me to your linked-in profile for projects to come.

Quick Facts:

Nationality: DutchSpeaks English, German, DutchFrequent speaker at eventsResourceful & pragmaticLinked-In
Born: 06-jan-1974Worked for a.o Microsoft, Silicon Graphics, Getronics, eBayBusiness ConsultantStarted and sold multiple companiesI’m happily married and have two kids. Rolf and Claire

What I can do for you:

If you have browsed this website you have undoubtedly noticed that my interest is all over the place and that makes me a person who is good at fixing problems because I have a very good broad knowledge in all sorts of fields. I know enough from many learned trades and skills to be able to bring disciplines together in a practical manner and solve any problem your company might have. And that makes me an excellent Integration professional. Having started multiple companies I can assist you in making your idea into a reality while maintaining both feet on the ground and a tight budget planning.

Streamlining the business

If you are a business owner than I don’t have to convince you that sales is the most important part of a company. That means that everything that isn’t “sales” or supporting the sales process is working against you. That’s why each process in the company should be as streamlined as possible. I see many companies who sell a very limited range of products or services and yet the business process is documented chaos at its finest. With repetition one can create a standardised workflow with checkpoints which make sure tiny issues are caught before the turn into problems. I can chart your current workflow and enhance it.  

Creative ideas

“Colin’s ideas are up there, sky high. And it doesn’t matter what the subject or topic is. He always delivers.”

Give me a call if you are struggling getting started with your project, or you need creative ideas for a marketing campaign or product launch.


Over the years I’ve helped and developed so many websites that finding usability faults in a website almost comes naturally. It never ceases to amaze me how much heart ship some companies put their customers through. It’s almost as if they don’t want to sell their products! In my experience simple tweaks to a website can often result in a double-digit sales increase.

More than meets the eye.

This website only shows a small portion of all projects I have done and not everything is listed. For example, I’ve set up an automated process to legalise documents across the globe for 350.000 copyright holders while everybody involved thought it would be impossible. It was a fun project for me to do, but it makes boring website content. Thus, even if your type of need isn’t displayed on my site feel free to contact me as I’m pretty sure that I can handle most of your requirements in order to get the job done.

Kind regards,


Please visit my LinkedIn profile for more information