100 Sales Tips

Nuggets of insight collected over the years.

  1. Only do business with people who have a direct personal gain from the project.
  2. Projects with high and low margins require the same amount of energy. Choose your projects wisely.
  3. No product ever sold it self on its own merit.
  4. Items are not sold for the item, they are sold for what the buyer believes he can do with the item.
  5. Almost no sale comes from solemnly rational thoughts.
  6. Selling with a lot of energy is something different than pushing or pressing the dea
  7. In selling, price isn’t everything.
  8. Cold acquisition gets warm after 4 courtesy calls.
  9. To make any project successful, doubt everything.
  10. Don’t lie to your customers about what your product or service can or cannot do.
  11. When selling to dealers you are selling the idea of profit. Not the merit of the actual product. That is the dealers task.
  12. Over promise and under deliver won’t meet customer expectations. Do as agreed upon during the sale. Nothing more, nothing less.
  13. Are you selling to your customers or are they buying from you? The second option will lead to bankruptcy.
  14. When selling a product/service replacement you will battle against old habits. Prepare to be in it for the long haul.
  15. salesmanship Don’t say bad things about a competitors product, but focus on the benefits of your own product.
  16. Salesmanship Find non-business related common grounds with the buyer in order to establish a long lasting relationship.
  17. Sales A customer convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.
  18. Closing the deal comes after opening the project to your customer. Get customer involvement and cooperation.
  19. Salesmanship is about serving your customers needs even after the deal is done.
  20. Don’t sell the most expensive version of an item to your customer, sell the version that they need.
  21. Never underestimate small customers, they keep your company running and might turn into big ones,
  22. Salesmanship is understanding what the customer is asking and verifying that the customer understands what you say.
  23. Sales. Use printed price lists to discourage price negotiations.
  24. Sales Know your products, it the only way to proof you know what you are talking about.
  25. Sales Don’t exaggerate about your product. The customer will notice and will deduct credibility from you and your product.
  26. Sales Using pressure techniques might help to close the deal but the customer will not return.
  27. Sales A customer is only willing to pay for what he needs. Any additional features/services will not close the deal.
  28. Sales In the ears of the listener, He who speaks too much doesn’t say anything.
  29. Don’t bother selling to a customer who isn’t interested in your product with arguments related to the quality of your product.
  30. Only sell the result of your product, its what customer wants. Aka, Don’t sell the power drill, sell the hole in the wall.
  31. Salesmanship Train your voice to be clear, comprehensible , and sound natural during any conversation.
  32. (Virtually) Every decision involves time and uncertainty. Time is money, act quick and minimize uncertainty with knowledge.
  33. Study the 1930’s book “Theory of Interest” by Irving Fisher to understand the current financial economics. http //t.co/7nqLvuEPUH
  34. Remember A dollar today is more worth than a dollar tomorrow.
  35. In sales you sell the potential, not the item. e.g. don’t say “buy a lottery ticket” but say “win potentially a great price”
  36. In sales, giving away small items of your service every now and then enables you to send a bigger invoice later.
  37. In sales Never mention just the price of a product without mentioning the benefits for the customer. Repeat the benefits again.
  38. In sales, if a customer says the product is too expensive, ask in relationship to what? It will help closing the deal.
  39. Make your product sound less expensive by pricing per item, but selling per batch.
  40. Salesmen, believe in the product, believe in the company, believe in yourself. Missing out on one of these will make a tough sale
  41. Sales tip, never, ever, use pity in a sales pitch.
  42. Sales, keep pounding those doors. It’s the only way.
  43. Golden tip for more sales? visit your customers more often.
  44. Five rules to obey with cold calling, 1/5 Create a clear opening sentence describing why you are calling and why it’s important.
  45. Five rules to obey with cold calling, 2/5 Confirm that you are talking to the right person at the right time.
  46. Five rules to obey with cold calling, 3/5 Make clear that your call is short.
  47. Five rules to obey with cold calling, 4/5 Make clear that the customer has no obligations what so ever. No sales pressure.
  48. Five rules to obey with cold calling, 5/5 Inform that you are calling just to inform them and get a reaction from the customer.
  49. While making a follow up appointment during a first call or meeting, always offer two options. One specific and one general date
  50. Let the ceo of your company introduce you to the client even if he isn’t familiar with the client. His status will help you.
  51. At the first meeting, ask questions first, sell later.
  52. Cold calling? 1 Ask to get an appointment first. 2nd Prepare a Tweet style sentence what it’s about and explain the rest later.
  53. Cold Calling, When rejected, ask for the rejection reason. Call again 2 weeks later with a solution to the rejection.
  54. Cold Calling keep a solid administration of who you called, what they said, when you called them, call return dates etc.
  55. Cold calling, don’t call to sell but to ask for information/help. It makes your customer feel good and he will ask you questions.
  56. When selling, always keep the initiative. It’s more work but also more rewarding and it will greatly speed up all sales closings.
  57. Cold calling, Prepare and get a(ny) name within the company to get past the secretary. Use google, linkedin or social engineering
  58. Cold visits, never do more than 2 at any given customer. You will loose face and precious time. Resolve to cold calling.
  59. During a meeting, don’t be afraid to answer that you don’t know. It gives you a good reason to come back a second time.
  60. At a meeting, ask if he/she is the decision maker and if the time is right. If not, meet together with the correct person/time.
  61. Can’t get anything sold within a large company? Simply take another route via a new contact person.
  62. Sales is selling yourself first. Dress nice, get sleep, show interest, be optimistic, good personal hygiene and calm your self.
  63. On sales When making an offer, add a little something just to show that you really understand the customers problem.
  64. E-mail and internet fast communication methods. But nothing beats personal contact. You have to go to the party to get the cake.
  65. Download the free Merger and Acquisitions book (158 pages) from Merrill Lynch at http //t.co/J5zuUXhBDS
  66. Customers tend to underestimate the effort that goes into services or products. Tell the customer so you can close the deal.
  67. Never sell the value of the item, only sell the value the customer will get from the item.
  68. While selling, avoid to get into a discussion about right and wrong. Avoid discussions and aim for mutual agreement.
  69. Do you want to close more deals? Visit more customers.
  70. Any objections from customers against your product are just inquires asked in a defensive manner.
  71. A customer who doesn’t respond to you, either positive or negative, isn’t interested in buying. Negative is better than nothing!
  72. Be very knowledgeable about your product or service. Just don’t display it, only use it.
  73. If during a sales call you talk more than your customer, you are doing it wrong.
  74. A customer is just saying NO to you if he uses a negative argument that isn’t related to any other prior argument on the table.
  75. Watch the 2001 movie called “Suckers” on youtube this evening. http //t.co/lhgHquWOFD under rated over acting on car sales.
  76. Negative subjective sales arguments from a customer can be countered by convincing the customer that you are a professional.
  77. When countering customer arguments remember that you can answer before, after, later or never. Each has its own merit.
  78. Its better to give a good answer later than a bad answer now.
  79. Discover the reason behind any question or argument. “I don’t like your product” can also be “I like it but I have no money”
  80. When countering an argument not to buy from you. Check if the customer understands and accepts your counter argument.
  81. Give the customer enough opportunities to say no during and the sales process. That will save you both a lot of time.
  82. If your product saves the client money, then do the calculations together.
  83. Remember good old AIDA? It’s still very relevant. Here is a refresh course http //t.co/mrx5HNPypn
  84. Listen to this documentary how to sell 129 cars within one month. http //t.co/CTASuFavBw
  85. Great products die every day. It takes more than product to build a successful business, do 80% sales 10% admin and 10% product.
  86. To get ahead in business 1/5 Location Location Location.
  87. To get ahead in business 2/5 Knowledge is everything, become the expert, get name and fame.
  88. To get ahead in business 3/5 If you are famous for something, milk it.
  89. To get ahead in business 4/5 Have an upbeat, optimistic character.
  90. To get ahead in business 5/5 What ever you do, do it efficient.
  91. 80% of all companies are crap, you only have to beat the remaining 20%.
  92. Train ALL your employees that they fully understand what the business does and how to communicate with customers.
  93. If everybody sells cheese, you sell the same cheese with a twist. Be different, be special, especially with common goods.
  94. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. e.g. In retail, never buy more inventory than you can sell within 30 days.
  95. A bank will only loan you money if you can proof you don’t need it. Prepare to make your own investments.
  96. Don’t expect to get investment to save your struggling company. Show where the new money will earn the investor new money.
  97. Be very careful when spending money. Always prepare for unforeseen expenses and keep control over the budget.
  98. The easiest thing to do in business by far is loosing money. It’s so easy, it almost drives itself.
  99. Be very careful when spending money. Always prepare for unforeseen expenses and keep control over the budget.
  100. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. Replace that old engine by a more economic one. Replace that old computer and speed up.
  101. To learn about The Trading Pit and its history, watch http //t.co/MEoAWVO7YI
  102. Customer objected 1 Break the sales down to smaller pieces and get approval per piece.
  103. Customer objected 2 Avoid saying “Yes, but” just acknowledge the issue at hand and discuss the importance of the issue.